Classic Rockers Network

Classic Rock Fan Community: Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors & More

Just like you i'm a big fan of Led Zeppelin and after many years and many happy memories i thought i could give something back, i could manifest my gratitude through a, very special, rare book dedicated to the band. I am part of a team that creates books printed on handmade paper in a vintage style. The book is wholly printed on handmade paper and with wooden covers. I thought i'll ask your opinion about the book given the fact that we were thinking about, later on, releasing it into the market. Thanks for your time, hope you get around this.

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thanks for your input. i'm glad you like it, we thought that it was in a led zeppelin style too. as soon as we are ready, getting all the rights and information, you will be the first to know. the book will cost some where around 50$, the fee for transportation, depending on how fast you want to reach you, will have to be supported by the customer. see you around, take care

wow - looks amazing! what source are you basing the content on? how much of it is original content or artwork?

Hello! we are trying to get the officials to lend us some help so we can produce a rare and special content, thus, resulting in some very original content and some very authentic artwork, based on the way the handmade paper is created, the way it's printed, put together, the graphic concept that we will implement(framing, font, pictures), the wooden covers, all of it made by our own hands.

Wow that looks amazing

Are the photographs you are using rare ones, or just the same that we have been looking at for years. I am interested but is it an official book? has it been authorised by the band members? How much will it cost to deliver to the UK, and how much will the book cost in pounds sterling?


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