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We always talk guitar players but these guys are important too.  Rather than start a list, I'm going to throw down the gauntlet and say this:  There is ONE that stands alone.  The others are competing for number 2.  Who:  GINGER BAKER!!! 

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There are so many obvious ones that always get mentioned. How about the one who always eem to be overlooked. Such as Mitch Mitchell, Simon Kirke, Don Brewer, Artimus Pyle or even Charlie Watts or Ringo for that matter! I love the early drum work of Frank Beard before the drum machine sound he uses now.

All good comments.  Ringo is vastly underrated.  And Charlie is as steady as the sun coming up every day.  They're like guitar players in that they don't have to be flashy or showy (look at Duane Allman), just get the job done.  But I still stand by my Ginger Baker nomination.  Far too many don't remember him.  check out a movie called Beware of Mr Baker!!

1. Ringo Starr

2.  Charlie Watts

3. Keith Moon

4.  John Bohnam

5. Alex Van Halen

6.  Joey Kramer

Just to name a few great drummers in rock history. 

Good list.  Ringo did his job and did it well for the most groundbreaking band ever.  Sadly, his son Zak doesn't consider him a great drummer, calling him a timekeeper.  That's what the drummer does!  Alex's hero is Ginger Baker!!!  He said in an interview that until he heard Ginger play, he never realized that drums were a musical instrument. 

Yeah I like to see the mention of Simon Kirke who I agree is overlooked. But how is no one saying the MOST obvious one (and I think the best)... John Bonham! No way Keith moon is a better rock drummer than John Bonham.

Agree completely!  Bonham was above Moonie, no doubt.  I notice I'm not getting a lot of push back though on my placing Ginger on a level way about ALL the rest!  Not a nice guy, but the guy could (and still can) play!!  Anyone out here seen "Beware of Mr. Baker"?.  Worth the price of the DVD. 

Yes you are RIGHT Ed!  Ginger Baker is THE best >>Period!  #2  Keith Moon #3 John Bonham  after that its a toss up....Ringo Starr and Charlie Watts are about equal in my view!  Then several others come to mind .. Alex Van Halen is very good!

I've noticed that we haven't seen a lot of push back on Ginger being the top.  I'll avoid the battle over Moon and emotional of a topic!!  There is one other that NO ONE ever mentions though so I'll through his name out: Doane Perry.  Seen him so many times that I can't count them.  Steady, flawless, and a rock for Tull!

Here's one I seldom see mentioned but in my mind deserves to be certainly in the top 10 if not the top five.  I never really liked his band's music but Mick Fleetwood was one of the best on the riser ever!


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