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Since the death of Thin Lizzy front man, Phil Lynott, 26 years ago, Scott Gorham has steered Lizzy through a couple of bouts of activity. Although the current line up is strong and popular as a live act, they basically perform as little more than a tribute band. Now Gorham wants to change this and record new material in the future. Many fans have been critical, stating that it would be an insult to Lynott's memory. Gorham is aware that Lynott is a tough act to follow, but insists he would have wanted the band to keep moving forward. I personally applaud Gorham for wanting to make Thin Lizzy a productive act once more, but I wonder what you guys think? It doesn't have to be specifically about Lizzy any similar scenario is worthy of your thoughts

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I'm not really sold on this whole thing about Thin Lizzy....I saw Thin Lizzy in 2008 on the same bill with Joe Satriani and Deep Purple and It just wasn't the same...It just felt wrong, If you know what I mean.

Without Phil Lynott it just isn't Thin Lizzy....At least that's the way I feel about it.

Your answer Jimmy is exactly the reason I put it out there. I always felt as though they were just a tribute band, desperately clinging to those Lynott glory days. I thought at least if they were to write some new material it may not look quite do desperate and they may be able to shrug off the Lynott curse. Thanks for your input Jimmy.


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