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Now this is a tough one... what are everyone's 3 favorite Led Zeppelin albums?

Here are my top 3 Led Zeppelin albums and reasons why:

1: Houses of the Holy - an under-rated classic, with 4 of my personal favorites: Over The Hills and Far Away, The Ocean, Rain Song and Song Remains the Same. Every song is A-Grade Zep on this album - not sure why it doesn't get the full attention and acclaim it deserves.

2: Led Zeppelin II - if you ask me, this album is slightly better than Led Zep I, with a similar raw, powerful sound. Personal highlights of this for me are What is and Should Never Be, Ramble On and Bring it On Home. Again, every song on this album is amazing.

3: Led Zeppelin III - I prefer this album to IV and I, just because it highlights how diverse their sound can be, and it contains one of my most favorite songs - Since I've Been Lovin' You. Physical Graffiti would have been my third favorite if it was condensed down to one CD/vinyl though.

Now let's hear other Led Zep fans top three Led Zep albums...

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O.K. i'll try it.

1. Physical Grafitti
2. Led Zeppelin III
3. Houses Of The Holy
Here's my 4 and 5 just for the fun of it:
4. Led Zeppelin II (Although I might just put it at a tie for 3rd, but for the sake of the list i'll put it at 4th.)
5. Presence and 4th album are tied!

For me, guys, my 3 Zep favs are-

1- Led Zeppelin- I have always admired the awesome blues factor of this one. How Many More Times is a stellar example of this.


2- Led Zeppelin III- great folk and blues blend on this one with songs like Tangerine and Gallows Pole plus early metal with Immigrant Song.


3- In Through the Out Door- In the Evening kicks off this rockin album. I also enjoy Carouselramba and all the other rockin tracks!

1.  Led Zeppelin IV

2.  Houses Of The Holy

3.  In Through The Out Door

Wow guys- I can't believe how little love IV- or if you wanna be accurate " the untitled album" is getting here! I mean lets face it, a lot of us were probably conceived in the back seat of 74 Chevy to that album. And so punk rock to release it the way they did w/o any band info on it. I love it. So mine are 1) physical graffiti 2) Ii and 3) zoso/IV/untitled/whatever the fuck it is. C'mon , seriously, ITTOD?

The first three albums in rotating or "Shuffle" order, and the rest are gravy!

I like every album so I won't choose a favourite studio album. Out of the many live albums I have, I would choose How The West Was Won as the best quality sound wise.

Hello everyone!...I haven't been online in a while!...BUT anyway here are my top Led Zep albums:  Led Zep 4 is my favorite followed by Led Zeppelin 1 and Led Zep 2.  Since it first came out I really liked the 4th because I think Battle of Evermore, Going to California , Misty Mt. Hop and of course Stairway are all awesome songs! oh what the heck the whole album is great!


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