Classic Rockers Network

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The Beatles were and are one of the most important group of people in history. Their joining together was one of the rarest events that happen only once in forever. Each member is just as significant as the next. One light bulb missing and the rest don't work. No Ringo and the Beatles wouldn't exist. For these four people to come together and gel as a band was nothing short of a miracle.
Their arrival was like the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. Only in more positive directions. But like the meteor, their impact destroyed what came before (rock was now art) and sent ripples or vibrations that touched every facet of culture and every fabric of life. Vibrations that continue to this day.
Their product or songs and musical ideas were on the level of Edison inventing the light bulb and/or Einstein discovering the Theory of Relativity in terms of significance and importance. John Lennon and Paul McCartney were the Lewis and Clark of the twentieth century. Like them, the Beatles conquered and journeyed to unknown territories but with their innovative music. Their lyrics came from the human heart articulating what it means to be human; expressing our "pools of sorrow/ waves of joy" and promising us that "the love you take/ is equal to the love you make".
The Beatles will always be a source of inspiration for all.

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Comment by Robert Joseph on August 31, 2009 at 1:02pm
Hi Robert, I agree totally! The Beatles changed the world. Yes it was a one in a billion chance to have 4 people like themselves cross paths and make music like they did. Although they had come just at the right moment in history.They were the spokesmen for a generation, and a model for all bands to come. Peace RJ

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