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Drofmusic's Comments

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At 6:01pm on February 11, 2010, Janis said…
Hello Dr. & thanks for adding me to your friends list.
Will keep in touch! Your new classic rock friend, Janis
At 7:03pm on December 7, 2009, Janis said…
Hello Kevin.
Great to meet other Rush & classic rock fans through this network. I also like some of the new alternative rock like you mentioned: Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins as well as Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Creed, Bush, among others, since there are pretty good talented rockers out there, but of course nothing compared to good old classic rock era. I agree, Mexican food is the bomb, I lived in "Tequila Land" many years. Have you had "pozole" or "carne en su jugo" by any chance? Those are my favorite Mexican dishes. Yummy!!! I'm getting hungry now, got to go. Rock on! Janis
At 5:33am on September 9, 2009, Evelyn De La Rosa said…
haha hheeyyy what happening!! thnx for becomin my friend peave n love!!
At 8:20am on September 1, 2009, Erin :) said…
yeah, i've been called that before!!!! the other night i saw eddie money and someone called me a flowerchild, lol....
At 5:15pm on August 13, 2009, cocoabeanbrunetti said…
i'll make sure to check out the tunes on your player .thanks for checking out the music that i posted.
At 8:26am on August 12, 2009, Stephanie said…
Well hello! I am new to this site but it is so cool! What is there to do on here?
At 4:14pm on August 10, 2009, Rockin' Flowie said…
hey man.. thanks.. \m/
At 10:08pm on August 9, 2009, CONFUSION WILL BE MY EPITAPH said…
Until 1981 i was living in the UK then moved to Cyprus.
I'm half scottish and half greek.
At 8:33am on August 9, 2009, Cali Grown said…
Right on man,I love vinyl, I've got quite the collection myself. Beach Boys had alot of good tunes, as well as mamas and papas, that's like what my dad had in his cd essentials. Oh man, I could listen to The Beatles over The Rolling Stones any day, no one seems to acknowledge the fact that The beatles made it big doing R&B covers. But they undeniably did so much with music and changed with the times as they did, great music. I was listening to The Church, I've heard the name before but not the music, I dig it, kinda reminds me of R.E.M./ The Cure. I can also dig on the Smashing Pumpkins and soundgarden. Yes is also a great band that goes unnoticed, I became attracted when I heard the song "Roundabout" on one of my vinyl records that has various groups.
At 11:24pm on August 8, 2009, Cali Grown said…
It was my dad, he had The Jimi Hendrix Eperience, and The best of The Doors, from there I looked into as many bands as possible, from Simon and Garfunkel, to Neil Young and so forth. I can hardly listen to anything now a days, classic rock is in my blood man.
At 9:11pm on August 8, 2009, drewzepmeister said…
Thanks,my friend! You have excellent tastes too!
At 10:21am on August 8, 2009, Cali Grown said…
Thanks man, I grew up on everything, and yes, this site is rad. I dig your music selection as well, great taste.
At 12:01am on August 7, 2009, CONFUSION WILL BE MY EPITAPH said…
Hi there buddy.
Epitaph its one of my all time faves.
Robert Fripp is a genius.

At 9:23pm on August 6, 2009, drofmusic said…
What a cool site........ gotta love Rock n' Roll !!!!!

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