Classic Rockers Network

Classic Rock Fan Community: Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors & More

Hi all!

Happy New Year! 2011 was fantastic year at Classic Rockers Network, where we have now grown to nearly 2000 members just like you, and had a major site redesign! Hope you had a rockin' year too.

Its time for our Awards and Best Content of the Year! There was certainly lots of great new content and members to choose from! So let's get started...

Members of the Year:
~~Linda Stephenson~~
In the summer, Linda joined up and has become the epitomy of an amazing member of this site! She was very passionate, knowledgable, so friendly and always welcomed new members... and practically lived on the network 24/7! Come say hi and congratulate her...  she might be your new best friend too! ;)

Paul is one of the most passionate classic rock fans we have ever had! Very knowledgable, started countless discussions and uploaded many videos, he was truly a great member! Funny, quirky and almost too passionate at times, but thats what makes him who he is! Come say hi and congratulate him:

Best Discussions of 2011:
~~The Ultimate Classic Rock Playlist~~
This very popular discussion had many responses! Have your submitted your playlist yet?

~~The Definition of Classic Rock~~
Always debated, we finally did an article on the true definition of classic rock!

~~Top 5 Classic Rock Guitarists?~~
Madeliene uploaded this great post and boy did it get a ton of responses! Come list your top 5!

Best Video of the Year:
~~The Who - Live in London 1974~~
This truly amazing full concert video of The Who in 1974 is one of the best live concert videos we have!

Best Photo of the Year:
~~Rare Led Zeppelin Concert Photo~~
A seriously cool rare photo of Jimmy and Robert jamming out on stage in concert!

Hope you enjoyed the awards and content! Don't forget to spread the word about this website to your classic rock friends too!

Oh, and do you have some great classic rock content that you want to upload? Maybe a rare video, rare photos, a rare interview, a concert or album review? Come upload it and share it with everyone else, and maybe your content will form the best of 2012!

Hope you have a rockin' 2012!

Rich, Founder of Classic Rockers Network

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Heyyy Rich!  Aaawwww shucks!  Well now, what can I say but "ta for the kind words luv"!  I do try my best to welcome as many new members as I can, I remember how nice it felt when I got some very friendly messages when I joined!  And to be mentioned alongside Amstell13, a real passionate, knowledgeable member, is brilliant! Thanks again and Keep Rockin' everyone!  \m/

Trust me, we appreciate your welcome messages!  It was very nice to be welcomed by you and others when I first joined!:] 

yay!!! Congrats you guys!!:]

Heyyyyyyyyy! thanks Taylor!  Rock On!  \m/  ;-)


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