Classic Rockers Network

Classic Rock Fan Community: Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors & More

Hi All, very cool spot here. I got a love of the best music in the world from 2 older brothers way back when & have never stopped. I'm in the middle of my 2nd childhood, and the wife and I are having a ball taking in lots of shows and keeping the volume on the stereo up! Thanks for adding me.

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Thanks for joining Greg!

I just love the concerts myself. With ticket prices though I went from about 6 shows to about 2 a year. I really want to do the Black Sabbath reunion tour and even though not my fave, the Beach Boys are doing a 50 year reunion. I'm taking my wife to see Loretta Lynn for the 3rd time. I scored 2nd row center. It is in April. Hey man, we will have to keep each other informed about the shows we go to. Nice to have you here.

Nice to meet you Greg.  Hubby and I try to get to a few concerts every year too. :-)


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