Classic Rockers Network

Classic Rock Fan Community: Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors & More

Hey all - I just started this forum topic so that everyone on here can introduce themselves, and tell the world all about their classic rock passion!

Anyway, I am the Founder of this website, so here is all about me...

My name is Rich Page, and I have been into classic rock since I was 15. I have always wanted to create a classic rock fan website - and created my first classic rock website in 1996 (when the internet was just a baby) all about the Doors. I was very proud of it.

Back in January 2008, I decided to get ambitious and create a classic rock online community! And so, classic rockers network was born!

To tell you a little bit more about me, I am originally from England, and now live in Hollywood, after spending 6 years in San Diego. In addition to being a hugely passionate classic rock fan, I also love improving websites and lucky for me my regular job lets me do that - I am a web analyst for Disney Online. I also love watching and collecting great movies, doing karaoke (badly), bowling, eating great food (love mexican and sushi in particular). So that's about it.

Lets hear from all you other classic rock fans out there! Start introducing yourselves...

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Greetings, my name is John, married with a three year old daughter. Originaly from Philadelphia, currently reside in southern NJ. I am currently wrapping up my Master Degree, while I care for my daughter who is on the spectrum. My wife was a senior writer for Metal Maniacs mag. between 1995-2009, the mag, has recently ceased paper/hard copy publication. I've been into classic rock music since I was a child in the 1970s. I became more involved with rock music by the late 1970s, as I became a tween (11/12 y/o). I started by purchasing my first album in 79', Pink Floyd's the wall, won dark side of the moon down at the shore in Wildwood, also in 79'. From there I became heavily influenced by the Doors, AC/DC...gradualy getting more and more into heavier hard rock and heavy metal. I was big fan of the NWOBHM (new wave of british heavy metal)e.g. Saxon, Angel Witch, Tank, et al...then discovered thrash metal by 1984,death metal by 1985, black metal by 1990, and space rock/stoner rock by 1993. I enjoy a full myriad of both rock and metal subgenres. I was never afan of hair metal glam rock, nu metal, rap metal, funk metal, etc.. It is not my bag. I truly enjoy and respect agreat deal of the more obscure early 70s and late 60s hard rock bands like Bloodrock, bang, budgie, blue cheer, Night Sun, Hawkwind, Status Quo, Uriah Heep, Nazareth, Elias Hulk, The Flower Travelin' Band, Guru Guru, may blitz, et al. Hopefully there are some cool, and like minded folks on here to bs with occasionaly about music. Cheers.
right on mr rich page. glad to have another platform for my music. the bruised grass band have been recently signed to mojo records out of england, hopefullu we'll have a debut dropped soon. but for now, you can enjoy our demos at let us hear from ya! peace and god bless! warren "simpleman" simpson
They just don't make music like they use to. It's all about looks now.
Hello to all and let me please introduce myself. I am Katie and I absolutely love, love love classic rock!!!
Well, first, thanks Rich for starting this site. Looks like it will be a blast.

Basically, I would be an old hippie had I been born early enough to have been a "new" hippie in the first place. (Be sure that my parents heard it from me about that one!). I was born in 1970, a month after Paul "officially" (or whatever) quit the Beatles. So call me whatever...just be nice.

I was born and raised in NYC and now live in Virginia on the outskirts of DC. I'm a, I cannot read your mind and don't know whether or not you're crazy. I've been married for the past eleven years to the most wonderful man ever, so don't worry girls, I've already told Paul McCartney I can't marry him. He's all yours. I also have have a three year old daughter who already can sing half the Beatles catalog, and says John and Ringo are her favorite Beatles...clearly, I'm a great mom!

I've been Beatles obsessed since age 8, and classic rock is my drug of choice. That's all there is to say about that.

See you around! Peace.
Hello all! I'm Tiffany, I first fell in love with Led Zeppelin when I was roughly 15, I heard The Immigrant song and Stairway to Heaven and couldn't believe the songs were from the same person. I was attracted to their versatility in their music. It's rare today to hear an actual story told through music anymore, and the best part about LZ was that they didn't just produce amazing lyrics or mind blowing guitar riff's in songs they were able to combine the two to make the most stellar tunes to grace anyone's ears. As a group they formed ONE amazing band. No one goes unnoticed with them.

Now a days it's very hard to find bands or musicians that can combine the two. I do have to say as much as I am a Led Head I am very open to a multitude of genres of music. But Classic Rock like Led, Janis J, Hendrix and more will always shine first in my mind when I think music. Take it as you will I am a hippie girl at heart. If I would have been at ever Woodstock and hitchin my way to see these stellar people perform. I'm definitely envious of the people who were able to see these saint like musicians play live.

For music I think is considered rock these days I listen to The Black Keys, TooL, a perfect circle, Muse, NIN, Cat Power, Jeff Buckley (RIP, Eternal Life is such a nasty grungy song and his voice is just one of a kind.), so yea those a few people I listen to now along with the oldies. I used to be an Indie Fan and I do find some good bands however I feel like after one person makes a unique footprint for themselves everyone tries to replicate it, and that's sad that people are not creatively inspired anymore.

So I guess that's a bit about me. I am in love with this site, no joke I don't know enough people in my life who appreciate Classic Rock- Not the shit iTunes says is classic rock. :) Nice getting to know you all!
Hope to get to know

Hey Rich and to everyone - Thanks for putting together a great website with something I'm really passionate about..... Rock Music!!! ;-) I love classic rock but I also love a lot of newer stuff too ie Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins etc..

Anyway, I grew up and was raised mostly in San Diego and although I was away for awhile I am now well settled here in SD. Fortunately, my wife loves rock too and we still go to quite a few concerts, Always Fun!!!! Also, I work as a physician in private practice here and will hopefully survive medicine reform!!! Love comedy movies and some sci-fi and action ones as well.

My love of rock music started in early childhood with my parents playing all sorts of records mostly pop and some rock. Then things changed with listening to Sgt. Pepper's and then finally I was really on board when Tommy came out by the Who..that was it for me I was a Rock fan for life...a habit I suffer happily to this day. I think it keeps me young in spirit.

Also, being from San Diego I can honestly say Mexican Food, not only is it my favorite, but it is Da Bomb! And, it is at it's best in SD. You can't find it better anywhere else...I know I've tried it throughout the country in my wandering years and have never succeeded. Can anyone say Carne Asada burrito??? Yeah Baby!!!! ;-)
mobile: +63909183527100
Hi, im spencer. i LOVE classic rock!!!! its the best, cant get enough of it. i used to only like rap, but then (thankfully) one day i heard AC/DC's Hells Bells, and from then on, ive been hooked! thank you, Rich, for making this site... ROCK ON DUDE!!! \m/ >_< \m/
I'm JB. Originally from Kansas but now live in Oklahoma. When I was younger I listened to what my friends listened to, but then I started more listening to rock n roll in high school.

THE moment that lead to me becoming a classic rock fan was in 1987 when my older, "cooler" cousin introduced me and sister to Janis Joplin. It was some bootleg recording she had where Janis was so jacked up, she dropped the mic when she was singing. I remember thinking, "Wow. I gotta find more out about that chick."

I've specifically been a Classic Rock head since Oliver Stone's "The Doors" came out in 1991. I was a junior in high school. That started a five year period when I listened to nothing but The Doors.

Then I got into The Beatles when the Beatles Anthology happened in 1995. Then I just began downloading different groups like Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix Expierence, AC/DC, The Who, The Rolling Stones, et cetera.

A former roommate got me Led Zeppelin's Early Days CD and I listened but didn't really get into Zeppelin until recently when another former roommate got me the I-IV box set. And while I love love LOVE Robert Plant, my favorite member is JPJ. I even named one of my cars after him.
Gday I'm Sledge from down under. My first taste of Classic/Heavy rock was AC/DC my cousin used to play them to death on his cassette tape. I discovered rock music when I was 12. It progress from there and started listening to led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Deep purple, Queen and more.

When I was 17 I progressed into death/Thrash metal and found Metallica, Slayer, Mortal Sin, Slaughterlord. I took up drums and played in a metal/punk crossover band called 'Persecution'. For the next 8 years I listened to mainly death, Black and Thrash metal with some classic rock here and there. I gave up the drums because I sounded terrible(I also developed Tinnitius in my right ear) and my musical tastes changed back to Classic Rock and heavy metal with a mix of Classical Music and soundtracks. I also found God.

In the late 90's and early 2000 I host radio shows on Sydney Community radio SWR FM 99.9 playing either Soundtracks or Classic Rock. I was a Producer at the station for 3 years and then left to raise a family. I now host an semi regular rock show on the net.

Click here for more Info(site still under constructed)


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