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What is your favorite Beatles album? I personally think that Sgt. Peppers is good, but over-rated. Certainly not their best that many people seem to think. My two favorite albums have to be Let it Be and the White Album.

And personally, I think that revolver and rubber soul sound a little too similar to each other.

What are everyone else's favorite Beatles albums then? I am sure there are some huge fans of their very early albums too. Share your thoughts Beatles fans!

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Two-way tie between Abbey Road and Revolver. White Album and Let it Be come a close second.
The White Album has always been my number one favorite. Followed VERY closely by Rubber Soul.

I agree with Rich, while Sgt Pepper's is good, I think it's a little over-rated as well.
A Hard Day's Night
I have to say this is hard for me to answer. my fave songs tend to be George's.
The White Album and Magical Mystery Tour. Though I love "Sgt Peppers" I think that it would be a much better album if they had made it double, say, adding some of the songs from "Mystery Tour" they would fit like a glove into "Sgt Peppers" (Blue Jay Way, Strawberry Fields, Penny Lane, Hello, Goodbye and so on) Hope I don't get crucified by "Peppers" fans by this :D

 The problem with putting songs from Magical Mystery our onto Pepper is that Pepper had been already released in June 1967. The idea for a film and album didn't come to Paul until Pepper had hit the stores. There was talk about putting Strawberry Fields and Penny Lane on Pepper but there was no room on the single album. I agree,those songs would of fit perfect on Pepper. Instead they were released a a single in early Feb. of 1967. The original Magical Mystery Tour album was a 4 song EP. In the U.S., Capital Records used the early singles by The Beatles and the songs from the film to make a full LP. I like both albums myself and the film is super too!!! Still.when it does come down to my favorite Beatles LP it's Abbey Road.


its hard to choose but ill go with rubber soul

Always be Abbey Road. All four giving all they had for one mighty masterpiece! Love Ringo's solo and the guitars on ' The End'! They knew how to really rock and roll! A close second would be With The Beatles. Great early recordings. It is amazing how this group progressed in such a short  time frame. I love all their songs,especially the live version of 'Get Back' up on the rootop! Great vocals from Paul and keyboard by Billy Preston!


I say Abbey Road and Revolver buuut is difficult to decide! I like all their albums

They are both great albums. Revolver has the sitar sounds and Abbey Road is their last horah!


I agree with you on what concerns to Pepper's being too overrated, I tend to disagree on what you consider the strongest songs of the album. "The White Album" is certainly a much better one and a truely rock masterpiece rather than pop (as I think Pepper's is) and imo doesn't really haves weak songs (or at least filler songs as you say) but that's my opinion. Zeppelin and Hendrix were certainly different from The Beatles but let's not forget something, Hendrix and Zeppelin started their carriers after The Beatles already had one, so hence why most of the time like it or not The Beatles are considered the top rock band of all time (cause of the influence they had even in Hendrix) ,and plus the fast transformation of their sound going from "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" to "Strawberry Fields Forever"(sure the 60's were made of contrasts but still)  They were indeed revolutionary to pop and rock music. On a different note, I would dare saying that The Rolling Stones were as important to Hard Rock as Beatles were to Pop. Abbey Road is an excellent album (I got myself an original LP pressing of it last week :) I also agree with you that the best Beatles albums came after '65 being for me the trilogy The White Album, Abbey Road and Let It Be truely amazing rock masterpieces - I said it before on this tread, Sgt. Peppers would be so much better if it was a double LP with the B-Side songs of Magical Mystery Tour


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