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Views: 1189

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nice job organizing things

Thanks Karen, Nice video as well!
If I'm gonna do it, might as well do it right!

cool vid! got to say though as with a lot of the prog. groups/artists, I've never heard of him!

thx - i agree and the beauty of the internet - so much out there and discovering a whole new world of music :)

Frank Zappa and The Mothers Of Invention

Olympia, Paris, France 
October 26, 1968 
SBD, A+, 50 min 

Improvisations, King Kong, Plastic People, Hungry Freaks Daddy, Son Of Mr Green Genes (q: Rite Of Spring)

Click HERE to HEAR this show!

Nice share :) bookmarking 

btw - thx Joe. K this gets going about 6:35 after intro. Seriously, don't think I have heard them before. Going to give a listen to the whole concert to see if anything sounds familiar. I need to get out more ;)

Nektar - Desolation Valley / Waves (Live, BBC The Old Grey Whistle Test) REMASTERED

I love this band! Great stuff hope you enjoy!

Nice Share. Old Grey Whistle Test Videos are always outstanding quality. 


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