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OMGaCulturalTrend's Friends

  • Gnosis
  • Jenny
  • Rich Page

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OMGaCulturalTrend's Page

Profile Information

Date of Birth
January 12th, 1987
Band That Got you into Classic Rock
Top 5 Classic Rock Bands
David Bowie, Fleetwood Mac, the Eagles, Led Zeppelin, Queen
Top 5 Classic Rock Songs
Let's Dance, The Chain, Hotel California, the Ocean, Ashes to Ashes
Top 5 Classic Rock Albums
Back in Black, Fleetwood Mac, ZoSo, Hotel California, Houses of the Holy
Best Classic Rock Show You Have Seen
Favorite Classic Rock Star
David Bowie, Robert Plant, or Joe Walsh
Favorite Newer Band
Maroon 5 or the Killers

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At 8:44pm on September 28, 2008, Jenny said…
At 3:04pm on September 4, 2008, Gnosis said…
Oh yeah? well, I agreen with the conservatives being alittle ridiculous, although I try not to judge, it always ends up me trying to defend my own belifs and nin this day and age we shouldnt have to fight, and its the republicans that always put us in the dirt. I dont get it, how to they go about there lives acting all high and mighty? When I really think and get a strong vibe that they are evil... not evil, but you know how there are the good guys and the bad. Yes palin seems to be an odd woman... really contradicting what women have fought for through the ages. But what obama wants to do just does not justify what he has to do, the place he is taking, or his image. But I supose im just waiting for that rabbit to be pulled out of the hat. He is the best candidate, yet, I dont think I will ever be satisfied with any candidate... I am just too stubourn. Lol.
At 2:03am on September 4, 2008,
network founder!
Rich Page
Just thought I would give you a welcome to my site! Thanks for joining and thanks for contributing so much lately! Remember to join up to all your favorite groups on here too! You can vote for your favorite songs and watch and upload videos. Peace!
At 9:05pm on September 3, 2008, Gnosis said…
So what have your thoughts on the presidential elections been lately?
At 9:05pm on September 3, 2008, Jenny said…

Thanks for the add!! However, for some reason, I can't get to my Friend's List or my Inbox :-(

John is the BEST!! I just heard FM's live version of "I'm Not Afraid" from the 2003 concert CD on the stereo, and you're right, that bass line totally rocks!!

At 6:23pm on September 3, 2008, Jenny said…
Welcome to the site!!

Could add me as a friend? My "Send Friend Request" link has disappeared!

At 8:40pm on September 2, 2008, Gnosis said…
Thank! You! What is so wrong about being liberal? I too am a proud liberal. Although I would never agree with McCain, I also dont agree with Barak Obama... Or at least I dont think I do. I mean, really has he given us anything? And yeah, the worlds super power is falling... I'll be sad to see her go, but dont you think she is out of our reach? Perhaps it just me, I have been reading many of shakespeares well know tragedies lately and I may have a very pestimistic veiw on issues right now lol.
At 8:35pm on September 2, 2008, Gnosis said…
Thank you, I wouldnt doubt if yours was great as well :)
At 8:18pm on September 2, 2008, Gnosis said…
Ah, indeed we should have been born then. Oh how I would have protested, and made myself heard. Even though they say that has gotten easier over the years, I am certainly hard-pressed to made my voice heard. But I make it happen anyway. And Kudos on your little brothers, we will be needing people to say " I told you so, " When the US empire comes to its swift demise in a few short years.
At 8:02pm on September 2, 2008, Gnosis said…
Haha, love the interests, I am reading a sociology text book right now. This web site is rather slow, but i make due. Welcome though :)

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