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Some interesting news I just heard. Classic rockers Aerosmith recently launched a Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, and many other classic bands have just jumped on board (including Jimi Hendrix). However, there is one major classic band that aren't following suite - Led Zeppelin. They claim they don't want people accessing their music this way, and 'aren't in for the money'. Very interesting. What does everyone else think?

Here is the full scoop:

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I would love to play Guitar hero led zeppelin.
That would be the freakin bomb, expecially if the last song you know the hard one would be the live dazed and confuse from the song remains the same.
I have to agree... I don't want them to be considered sell outs, and have a bunch of posers.
Gotta love their integrity and loyalty to Rock!!
. . Is the Mothership coming to an end of Safe Flying Days? Comments of the Creative Genius Decisions of our day!
. Maybe the point is, what does the audience of successfulness want to enjoy vs. the wondering emptyness of "What!" When it's about the people (audience) and their reception of classic rock success! Comment on this interview some 3 month ago... Zeppelin Disaster! #1 in Airships to #1 in Motherships! to #1 in Rock History Stories! Goodbye to this Generation, when they could of had them as old men with Play Stations of Tomarrow! Opps! What's you thoughts on "this stuff!"
I heard it's because they need the original masters to make the game, and Pagey won't release them. :)
Though I am probably one of the worst Guitar Hero/Rock Band players out there, and don't really play video games in general, I have to say that the GH and RB can be fun for what they are.

But... I find it interesting that people, especially of my generation, have taken to learning virtual versions of the real songs we know and love. Some (not all) only know the tunes by the colored buttons they push rather than on a real instrument. It makes me a little sad that they spend their time gazing at a screen when they could be learning how to play Cream, The Stones, The Who, Bowie, and by September-- The Beatles, on an actual guitar, bass or drum set.

Not to say that these games aren't a bundle of fun, because they are; it's just that for some, they seem to have replaced the diligence of learning a real instrument with staring at a television until the room warps when they look away (which, I'll admit, is both entertaining and disorienting).

I can understand where Jimmy is coming from if it's him who is keeping them from making a Zeppelin version of either. But I will say that I find it interesting that certain song, band and album sales have gone up since their release on GH/RB. If we momentarily pretended that that didn't have anything to do with money for record companies, bands, etc., at least it's exposure and (hopefully) genuine interest in some bands that may be unknown to my generation such as Mountain, The Steve Miller Band, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and dare I say it, The Allman Brothers. Zeppelin doesn't exactly need that, because they can still pack arenas full rather than casinos, but you know what I mean.

Part of me says, "Big deal, Zep-- you already gave into iTunes..." but, the other (bigger) part of me commends them for sticking to their usual reservations about the use and distribution of their music.


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