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If you could spend an hour with a classic rock musician or band member, to get advice or just B.S. with, who would you pick and what would you do/ask them? This could be alive or dead musician. I'll add mine later b/c right now I'm undecided.

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I'd like to play a round of golf with Alice Cooper. With a 2 handicap he would clean my clock, but 3-4 hours in a cart with Cooper would rock. (no pun intended)

I'd have to say Sammy Hagar. I met him briefly in 2002 at a radio convention in Dallas, but I'd like to sit down and have a conversation with him. He seems like a real nice guy.

So many, but I will pick someone who is still alive. I am divided between Ray Manzarek and Mick Jagger. It would be a hard pick ugh.Jagger cause he must have a ton of stories to tell, he has been there since the beginning pretty much and meet all the great ones. The man is a living myth. One hour with Jagger asking him about all the things he done with all the iconic friends he had.I still haven't lost hope to someday meet him. Manzarek, well despite the fact of The Doors being my favorite band, the man is a great storyteller, unlikely Jagger,with whom I'd be interested to hear about several people he meet and moments he lived, with Manzarek I'd be drilling listening to the man speaking about The Doors, Morrison and all the things the band went thru together. 

I would really love to sit down with Jimi Hendrix and ask about advice on guitar playing, and ask about his views on how he would've changed his musical style in later years (if he ever would've even considered that), to adjust to the crowd of a specific era.

Jim Morrison.  Not only is he very good looking (I'm a thirteen yr. old girl, try to understand;]), but his lyrics were fascinating, interesting, and beautiful to me.  I'd just love to see him in the flesh.  Understand him.  Talk to him.  There is a quote I found from him that taliks about pain, and how it should be acknowledged and used, and another about death being a friend....I'd love to just tell him the affect his music and these quotes have had on me.  And as an aspiring musician, singer, writer, poet, and artist, here about his troubles, his struggles, his drug use and how it shaped his art, etc.

I would have liked to have talked with the late, great John Lennon about everything from the Beatles to sex, drugs, rock & roll as well as millions of other things.  He will always be above Elvis in my book as a rock legend & he was intellectually/politically aware even I disagreed with some of his opinions.  

I would go with the Pink Floyd guys circa '67-'70 before they all started falling out with each other, and they were experimenting with different formats to find themselves as musicians. This would include Syd, before he started dropping acid. I imagine the discussion with Roger would be difficult, but fascinating.  Incidently, expanding on something I have briefly mentioned before,  I was lucky enough to sit and have a beer or two with Ozzy on many occasions in the late '70s/early '80s. I would say he is a bit of a metal legend for a lot of people out there. I have to say he was the easiest guy in the world to get on with. It was just like sitting around with one of your mates. He really is (or was?) a very ordinary fella.

I would like to sit down with Jim Morrison and have him recite some poems ;) Seriously, I think he is amazing and would like to get inside his head and see who he is :) Of course if Jim wasn't available - I would be happy to spend that hour with Jimi Hendrix or John Lennon.

Great question!!  I would LOVE to spend an hour with Eric Clapton!!  He was my favorite when I was 15 and he is still SPECIAL to me!!  Don't know for sure what I'd ask him ..I'd have to think about it!! I'd also like to spend an hour with Chris Squire of Yes!  I saw him this past Summer w/ Yes and He's such an AWESOME musician that I'd love to meet him!  I would tell him that the LYRICS and HARMONIES of ALL Yes' music are SOOO unique & SPECIAL and its mindboggling to imagine what inspired THEM!!


No doubt, I'd sit down with George Harrison. We was truly all about the music, and in my opinion created some of the greatest pieces of all time with the Beatles and on his own. Not to mention, he was a great guitar player.

No question for me:  IAN ANDERSON  but I would have to prepare.  He doesn't suffer fools easily!


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