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Some might say their first album, 'My Generation' is the original and best, whereas others, like me, say 'Tommy' is just perfection from The Who. 'Who's Next' is also a true classic album by The Who, and 'Quadrophenia' is also a masterpiece.

So let's hear what everyone's favorite album by The Who is... and why.

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A quck one its bloody brilliant
I just never get sick of it-Tommy is great-esp live- quadro also lovely
even after listening to Tommy like 300 times, i still feel mesmerized every time i listen to it. Im also affected by it because, as a drummer, i love to play ridiculous solos. Especially "Amazing Journey". So, in terms of official albums, yeah. Tommy is my choice. But in terms of every single Who album ever released, my choice is "Live at Leeds" for a few reasons.
1. They sound incredible live
2. Live at Leeds has all of Tommy and their other hit songs, such as happy jack, my generation, young man blues, magic bus.
Great album. probably the best live album ever recorded. If you like this album, check out the Who Live at Isle of Wight. This was recorded round the same time, and features some of the same quality of musicianship as Live at Leeds.
Live At Leeds has to be the best! The Who are at their best performing live and Live At Leeds was probably at their peak or right before it.
Live at leeds hands down, for the best live rock band ever what eles could it be......
I would have to say the best Who album Is Quadrophenia. By the time this album came out, the band had reached a solidness that is seldom seen in most rockbands, Pete's songwriting is sure and exact, and the material is some of the most complex tackled to date.The album is a double album, but when it plays, you don't realise the time passing until it's over, then you feel like you have undergone a journey. Few albums create that effect of completeness, and I feel that that's a sign of a masterpiece.
Good call on Quad David. That album should be required listening for any boy age 13, It's the entire roadmap used to navigate puberty>adolesence>adulthood.
It would be like the selective service when you turn 18. Only you turn 13 and you go to the post office to get your Quadraphenia recording to begin your journey to adulthood.

There are also great suggestions on the live material such as Live at Leeds and Isle of Wight, Entwhistle's 74 solo album Whistle Rhymes deserves a listen as well. PICK UP MY GUITAR TO PLAY, JUST LIKE YESTERDAY'
My favorite album is "The Who Sell Out". From the album cover to the music itself. The Who were ahead of their time.
I agree On John Entwistle's "Whistle Rymes" Also "Smash Your Head Against the Wall" JAE at his best.
Quadrophenia is my all time favorite, saw it live in worcester mass back in '96 i think and it rocked, one of the best shows i ever saw. Whenever i hear any song off the album i flashback to my teens years - we use to wear out the cassette from playing so much
Quadrophenia with out a doubt. It's gotten me through more stuff.... I love it.
My generation propelled the movement!

The High Numbers became the WHO
Moral panic about British youth and gangs of mods -1964
WHO celebrated the movement with their album -1973
Quadrophenia Rock Opera - 1979

Quadrophenia holds the most substance and value for me as a true coming of age as a struggling generation to find its own voice in society as they found themselves. Translating Quadrophenia into more than just music, but rather the master piece of Townshend and the hardest of all collections for the Who to perform showing just how talented Daltery truly is vocally.

Quadrophenia earmarked a Lifestyle based around Fashion, Music and Transportation with a meaning around Style, Substance and being Fast Moving.

It all went beyond the Roger, Pete, Kieth and John being the Fighter, Hypocrite, Romantic and Beggar.
Quadrophenia resonated to become the 4 sides to a human.

The one we think we are.
The one people think we are.
The one we portray to others.
The one we are.

I know I'm gonna get slack for this but I can't get into the whole Tommy/Quadrophenia stuff although I love some of the songs on those albums. For me "Who's Next" is the best. I have a MFSL copy and sometimes I get goosebumps when I hear the clarity of the album. Probably my 2nd favorite (again I'll probably get slack for this) Is "Who are you" album. Good stuff.


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