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Alice Cooper covered Born This Way live recently.  What are your thoughts on this?

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I like Alice Cooper, but I didn't care for this.  No hate to Gaga, but it might just be because I don't care for the song in the first place.  I think you can successfully make rock and pop mix, but this just sounded like the two collided :/

...I'm getting torn with my loyalty to Alice as of late, as he's been getting involved with things I hate and consider an abomination, like American Idol and Glee...

...Not to put down anyone that likes those shows, but I just can't stand them...

Yah, I get it.  I'll admit, I like glee, as it's sorta my generation's thing, haha.  People like different things:) haha..but yah, I just feel like he doesn't mix with those things well at all:/


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