Classic Rockers Network

Classic Rock Fan Community: Led Zep, Rolling Stones, Beatles, Doors & More

Hi there! We thrive on feedback and suggestions to help improve Classic Rockers Network for you and everyone else. Therefore, we would love to hear your thoughts!

In particular, what would make you use Classic Rockers Network more often? Is there anything on it that is lacking? Or is there is a particular new feature or idea that you would like added? Maybe a wish list of new features? Or if you could only change one thing, what would it be? Just some ideas to help you help us...

Please post your ideas and suggestions below. We appreciate it!

Keep on rockin'

Rich Page, founder of Classic Rockers Network

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Hey Rich

How about a Fan Group for Rainbow (specifically the Ritchie, Ronnie & Cozy line-ups). Rising has been my favourite album since it was issued & I'm taking my original vinyl with me in my coffin.

I've got some photographs I took at a concert  in July 1981 where I managed to get to the front of the stage. Also got a bootleg of the show (are we allowed to upload these?).

Regards Stuart

This is a great shot Stewart, so green with envy that you were able to get so close!

Hey Rich...there should be a Jethro Tull Fan Group.....What do you think?

Hey Rich, I second that!

We can set one up if someone wants to be the group admin and encourage people to join it :)

Just been on another site, I had a pop up that said "You have reached a members only area.  Either you are not a member or you are not logged in.  Click here to join "  I think it would be a good idea to have something similar at a certain point, say, preventing the play of video's or photo's to encourage members to sign in, also do you think it might be an advantage to have https: ?  It might make potential members more likely to join, (and sign in on every visit) as in Facebook.

I have actually thought of doing this before - while it might get some more members, the problem is that it will greatly reduce the amount of people 'just looking' who read or look at content on here, which might ultimately limit the chances of them registering later. I might try it for a week or so, and see what happens... also, it has implications on search engines too - if they can't spider the content, then I don't get as much traffic. So its a tough one...

Yeah It is tough, but then you do have the Facebook page to get the site some publicity and which will weed out those who just want a quick look through stuff from those who genuinely love classic rock and would take an active part in the site and help it to grow.

Do you think it would be a nice idea to display the date that we joined the site on our pages, also, to have some kind of way to display the time in our particular part of the world?

Hi Rich, I was thinking it might be a nice idea to have a running total of 'hits' that the CRN site is getting, maybe at the top of the 'chat' box, what do you think?

Hey Rich!  Would be nice to have some 'emotions' for the 'comment boxes', what do ya think?  :)


I second that


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