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The Rolling Stones are, and allways have been a brilliant band, but I wonder whether they are coming to the end of their time within the rock music scene (performance wise)?!  Although they still seem to be turning out OK songs, I'm thinking that it may be almost time to retire from touring, 2/3 years?  I'm sure that, like Led Zeppelin, it's better to go out with a bang on a high leaving their fans screaming for more, than to go on and on only to fizzle out!   Now I'm sure that I'm gonna put some noses out of joint by saying that but hey, someone's got to say it!  Ha.

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Well, they look like walking corpses, LOL, but, still have the performing chops, so, why not do it as long as they want to? Of course, some people, my hubby included, say they're too greedy and don't need the money. My opinion is the love of performing is what drives them, because they certainly have plenty of moolah. Same applies to Rod Stewart.  Some of the best concerts I have been to recently were old rockers; The Moody Blues, Rod, Bob Seger, Santana, Scorpions, CS&N, Tom Petty.  None of them were what you call "past it".  Hoping to see Aerosmith if they ever get a tour going this year or next, also.

Linda I completely agree with you......better go now then wear out the welcome.....

While not as good as they once were (especially with Mick Taylor), I think having the Stones and some of the older bands still out there helps to keep the classic rock music alive and keeps people listening to it and talking about it.  I think it also helps orient a new group of listeners that were not even born when the Stones and others were in their prime.  

Also, it gives some people, like me, the opportunity to at least say I saw them live.  Great question.

While not as good as they once were (especially with Mick Taylor), I think having the Stones and some of the older bands still out there helps to keep the classic rock music alive and keeps people listening to it and talking about it.  I think it also helps orient a new group of listeners that were not even born when the Stones and others were in their prime.  

Also, it gives some people, like me, the opportunity to at least say I saw them live.  Great question.

Next summer’s Glastonbury Festival is setting up to be the Rolling Stones’ retirement party, according to a report from The Mirror.

The legendary band is headlining the U.K. music fest for the first time, and sources say it’s planned to be their farewell performance after a “handful” of shows in 2013.

“All four members have agreed that next year is the right time to have one final hurrah and put on the gig of their lives,” an insider tells The Mirror. “It’s a case of now or never, and obviously Glastonbury is the most important festival on the circuit. Everybody’s incredibly excited … it’s a final bow.”

The timing is fitting, as The Mirror also reports that although they played their first gig in 1962, 2013 marks the group’s “true 50th anniversary.”

Hey yeah!  It's gonna be a great festival if they show.  Seems I wasn't the only one that was feeling they might be thinking of 'calling it a day', although Ronnie Wood is saying they might be planning to do some more stuff, so watch this space, we still may not be hearing the last of the Rolling Stones - whether that's good or bad I can't decide!  Think I'll get the photo album marking 50yrs since their first gig when it's released on July 12th. 

After they see all the attention The Beatles are getting for their 50th - they will return

Ohhh yesss, they will returnnn!!   :D

one more time for their 50th. call it the Steel Wheelchair tour

LOL  :D  I'd really love to see that one!  I can just see Mick now, trying to frantically push himself about on stage and getting caught up in the mike leads!  Ohhh good grief!!  LOL

Sounds like their next tour is going to be their last. Keith has said they love doing it, but at the same time "If you think Mick Jagger will still be out there trying to be a rock star at age fifty, then you are sadly, sadly mistaken."

At the age of 67, I think Mick's proved us wrong on that one Jimmy!  :)  \m/


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