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I have been a fan of classic rock for as long as I can remember... and I remember the first classic rock album that turned me into a classic rock fan forever.  For me, it was Led Zeppelin IV, particularly the first two songs - Black Dog and Rock and Roll just blew my mind for the opening. The intensity of drumming from John Bonham, combined with Robert Plant's mind blowing voice and Jimmy Page's electrifying sound were like nothing I had ever heard before - and I was mesmerized!

I had previously heard Stairway to Heaven, but had no idea who Led Zeppelin were before I heard this album - and quickly became of Led Zeppelin as a result of this album, reading any book I can find out about them in awe. And the rest is history!

What was the first classic rock album that got you into classic rock? Let's hear your stories...

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Rush 2112 - The first side of the album was one long story.  The second side was mix of fun songs and one love song.  I remember listening to it with my window open on a summer night.
My mom was a rocker in the 50's. she would spend her lunch money on 45's. When I grew up she would always play music. From Elvis to Gary Puckett. When I was at my cousins house in 1969 and I heard "come together" by the beatles -It was the coolest song I ever heard (still applies) The rest of the album followed. When I was old enough to purchase records myself - I purchased the doobie brothers black water. The first album interestingly was wild cherrys first album. The first classic rock album I purchased was pink floyd dark side of the moon. Actually that was the first full priced album I purchased. The first album was iron butterfly in a gadda di vida from goodwill for a quarter!!
I would have to say pink floyd dark side of the moon
Kiss Alive

When I was little we'd go over to my grandparents a lot.  Even though they were my mom's parents they'd hold onto my dad's old records for us, as they had more room and a record player.  We'd listened to classic rock my whole life as a family but when I was about 5 or 6 my brother and I were looking through the old records and stumbled upon compilation album Hot Rocks, the Rolling Stones.  As soon as I heard "Satisfaction" I was in love...haha.  Every time we'd go to my grandma's I'd beg my brother to put it on.  It's mine now, sorta sentimental:) 

...First band I was ever really exposed to apart from the odd song on the radio was KISS in the school playground in 1975, when I was 8...first actual rock album I ever got to buy was KISS Alive 2 when it first came out in 1977 and that was when I totally fell in love with what is now known as classic rock...

Boston   Dont Look Back

Led Zeppelin 4 for me too.


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