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Believe it or not, Aerosmith actually formed in 1970 - that's 39 years ago! Nearly as long as the Rolling Stones have been around. And many people think of them as being an 80's hairband - but one of their most famous songs, Dream On (which many get confused with Led Zeppelin because Steven Tyler's voice is so much higher) was released in 1973. Yep, that's how long they have been around. Even their newer stuff, like Pink and Jaded, sounds as classic rock-like as ever. They even recently got a Rock Band game series in their name! But plenty of people aren't big fans. So let's hear your praise and problems with Aerosmith... post away!

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I love Aerosmith, as I have professed here before. Aerosmith comes in Chronicles... I, II and maybe III.
As much as I love 'em I had no problem passing on their coming to my neck of the woods last Thursday evening... primarily due to the bad memories I have from the year before. You are dead right... they have a whole new demographic base now that was raised on Pink and Jaded and beyond... and sadly, that is who the band now caters to. I am not one who writes off everything they have done beginning with Pump... and even Nine Lives has some kick ass songs...however, Pink and Jaded are not two of them. I don't want to hear Jamie's Got a Gun or Don't Wanna Miss A Thing or Fallin' in Love... so these days I end up feeling like I had to sit through all that to get to the 'good stuff'. Ironically, I have seen the set list of Thursday's show and find they did seem to play a lot more 'classic' Aerosmith than I remember from their last show. However now the rumor mill is churning with ill-will between Tyler & Perry again... maybe they need to seek some relationship counseling? LOL.
I have and always will tip my hat to Aerosmith. They are one of the GODS of Rock 'n' Roll, I admire the 5 original members remain true to the music.
I doubt I will miss them if they come through my town again... since, ironically, I don't wanna miss a thing.
Peace, Kristen

Hard to fault Aerosmith - maybe a few too many ballads in the nineties. These guys are the full hard rock package.

Looking forward to the new album as Jack Douglas is producing. Also as there has been much talk that this album will mark a return to the "classic" 70's Aerosmith sound. For me no other band has matched the style and swagger of Aerosmith.


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