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2. British Rock Meeting in Germany - May 1972 in Germersheim - with a gr8 WOODSTOCK FEELING

Hello to all music lovers - i am searching for people who where at the festival, i remember there also where a lot of GI's. would be gr8 to exchange good memories.
the festival started on a long weekend on friday, ended on monday - the highlight for me was PINK FLOYD !!!
i still have some old pictures from that festival, if interested for exchange, pls let me know.

i also have a group for this event on Facebook @ British Rock Meeting in Germany 1971 & 1972  - THERE WE ARE PLANING A 50-YEAR CELEBRATION IN 2022

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our member Jack Kilpatrick has sent me the following file to share:


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Comment by RockAngel on March 20, 2017 at 7:34am

good News ! the 45th anniversary British Rock Meeting 1972 is happening on April 30th this year - here the official event poster. It would be great, if many of the '72 Veterans would join us!!! a Pink-Floyd-Coverband will rock the Place

Comment by BL on January 17, 2015 at 5:03am

I have very good Scans from this German Festivals Posters in 1972/73

for the better original Email me

Comment by RockAngel on January 16, 2015 at 9:41am

thanks a lot dear Bernhard

Comment by RockAngel on January 15, 2015 at 2:17pm

Hi Folks,

for all who are also on Facebook - feel free to join the Group  @ 

Britisch Rock Meeting 1971 und 1972

to connect with other People who enjoyed the 2 Festivals in Germany

Comment by BL on January 14, 2015 at 2:28pm

I was also with 3 Friends at the Speyer Festival in 1971 and at the 2. British Rock Festival in Germersheim 1972.

I search a good Scan or Foto from the Speyer Festival 1971, I would like to reprint the posters for me.

if anyone has it, please let me know :)

Comment by RockAngel on April 28, 2012 at 8:16am

Sad news - the event has been canceled :-(

a group of people still try to at least meet on that day.

Comment by RockAngel on January 28, 2012 at 4:51pm

here is a sample of one group which will be playing on the 40-year-revival openair concert:

Comment by RockAngel on January 27, 2012 at 5:40pm

Hi All !!!

good news : there will be a open air concert for the 40 year rivival of that festival in GERMERSHEIM n may 19th this year. i will let u know when the ticket sale will start.

here is a poster for that event:

would be gr8 to see some, if not all of u on that day :-)))

Comment by RockAngel on May 21, 2011 at 11:41am


to insert photos just click the button next to the "LINK" button which says "IMAGE" when u go over with ur mouse. pls also let me know if i can insert/add them to the slide show i have created for this event.

love + peace always :-)))

Comment by Jack Kilpatrick on February 7, 2011 at 12:48pm
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