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I channeled the spirit of Michael Jackson July 1!

I had a very interesting day today, I was contacted by an Australian morning radio program and they wanted to know if I could channel Michael Jackson and answer questions for his fans who are very upset by his passing. I knew that I could and accepted. I was only given about two minutes before they put me live on the radio, so I had to quickly get quiet and contact Michael Jackson’s spirit.

What is channeling?

The definition of channeling in the Merriam-Webster 11th Collegiate Dictionary is, “The process that conveys thoughts or energy from a source believed to be outside the person’s body or conscious mind; specifically — one who speaks for nonphysical beings or spirits.”

The mind must be emptied of conscious thoughts for a spirit to talk through him/her.

My Experience

I was amazed at how quickly he came to me. The host greeted me and asked where Michael Jackson is now. I explained that he has not fully transitioned, but he is in Spirit in the White Light surrounded by the Heavenly Host. He’s very happy and he says he’s having a wonderful time rocking with James Brown and so many other musicians. They asked what he felt about being in an open casket for people to view. He did not mind that at all, he knew that his fans really wanted to see him one more time.

Throughout this conversation I could feel the happiness that Michael feels now that he is released from this planet. He stated that he was happy and didn’t want anyone to be mourning him because he is free from the pressures of being Michael Jackson. They had two young fans that were extremely distraught over his death and wanted an answer from him. Michael stated that they shouldn’t be upset because they will be with him on the other side and he is never far from them.

The last question I was asked was what Michael Jackson considers his most treasured artifact. The answer was quick and simple “My Children.” The hosts thanked me for being on and signed off. It left me very exhilarated because I had never thought of contacting Michael Jackson’s since his passing and I always find it fascinating to go to the other side. It’s truly an indescribable experience.

So do not mourn his death he is free.

Latest Message from Michael Jackson on July 3.

I continue to receive channeled messages from Michael Jackson’s spirit. Ever since being on the Australian radio program the other day it’s like he really wants to get things out. I was never a huge fan of his, but I am starting to really get a feel of him from his spirit and I really like the energy he has going on now.

He does not want to be buried at Neverland. He keeps repeating this over and over “Don’t let them bury me there. I suffered so much at Neverland I never want to go back. I don’t want them to turn Neverland into a museum like Graceland. I would rather be buried in a cemetery in Hollywood where many of the old stars are buried. I would feel more at peace there.

I want my children to be with my mother. They don’t need to be with Debbie. She was never a mother to them and I know that they would not be happy with her. My mother is a great woman and that’s where they belong.

Please don’t feel sad that I have passed on. I’m very happy and feel free for the first time. When you think of me be happy because I am. My spirit will always be with my fans. I’ve always loved and appreciated each one of you and will continue to love you. Enjoy my music and videos because they represent the real me. Please stay calm at the memorial services for me. Don’t let your emotions override your common sense.”

I will keep adding messages as I receive them spiritually. I am thankful that Spirit is allowing me to channel Michael Jackson. This has really been phenomenal for me because it’s changing the way I have thought of him and I’m becoming a true admirer.

Cherokee Billie

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