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Will Jim Morrison play with The Doors again?

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John Densmore has said he wouldn’t play with former bandmates, Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger, as The Doors unless Jim Morrison was singing with the band again. Aside from a few jokes in bad taste, that was an impossibility until Sunday night when Tupac-Shakur “appeared” at the Coachella Festival. So with the technology able to create a realistic image, can long dead rock stars appear “live” in concert again? Will The Doors cancel Jim Morrison’s cancellation to the resurrection to play again?

The hologram of Shakur, which looks realistic and not a manufactured image, performed a couple of his songs, did a shout out to the Coachella festival itself (Coachella’s first festival was 3 years after Shakur died) and even interacted with Snoop-Dogg and there were no obvious glitches and no obvious incursion of technology on stage, so did Tupac’s appearance herald in a new age of concert going?


Read the full article at The Doors Examiner

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