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Does anyone remember the band called Detroit? Founded by Johnny 'Bee' Badanjek, after a split with Mitch Ryder for a spell. the band featured Johnny Bee, Steve Hunter, Ron Cooke, Mitch Ryder, Brett Tuggle, Harry Philips and more, Later to be fronted by Amboy Dukes/Cactus frontman Rusty Day. The band had a couple of hits off this record, and then everyone movedon to different projects. The album, and it's line-ups over the years is legendary. They are back. for more info. What does anyone remember of the band or it's members?

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I never met any of them or anything like that, but that album with Mitch Ryder is one of the great lost rock and roll gems.
Yea, they were quite a crew. The core of the band is back together, and doing some cool stuff.
Detroits not too far from Chicago. They'll make it over to this side of the lake eventually. I'll keep an eye out for them.


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