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The Doors are definitely one of the best bands of all time. I wonder though just what would have happened had Jim Morrison not died at such at young age. I definitely think the Doors would have released a few more albums at least. But what then? I could see Jim Morrison becoming a John Lennon - slowly withdrawing from the band and going solo. And having some crazy hippy chick women being more demanding on him, just like Yoko Ono. What does everyone else think?

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I think he would have gone more into film & of course his poetry. He had the demanding hippy chick taken care of w/Pamela. I just think he was completely tired of being a rock star by '71 (though from all the books I guess that opinion depended on who the author talked to), the hanger-on's, Miami still hanging over him, demands from record execs. & the fans, I think he was finished. I think he just wanted to live the life of the quiet contemplative poet towards the end.
your not missing anything the movie is ok its just jim walking round no words really and his driving a car round the desert
A buddy of mine recently returned from a trip to Paris where he got engaged. I was going through the pictures and came to one of Jim Morrison's grave and L.A. Woman was playing on my stereo.
Anywho, I won't claim to have any real idea what happened.. But as burnt out as he probably would have become I might be lead to believe he'd have turned out like Keith Richards or something. Maybe Peter Green.. *shudder*
Oh Rich. . ."some crazy hippy chick. . .like Yoko Ono" - really? Now, I'm not exactly a Yoko fan, but you have to give it up for a guy's personal life. I don't think that having hoards of groupies diminishes a band or a singer unless said person was up for it to begin with. Besides, isn't pulling chicks one of the best benefits of being a rock god? That being said, I think it's hard to separate the brilliance from the drugs and booze, which as we know was the biggest threat to Jim and what pushed him over the brink in the end. If he had gotten sober, would the music still have been as wild and as raw? We'll never know, but it's a shame that such talent had to be wasted.
Here's a quotation from Jim Morrison, "I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps, "Oh look at that!" Then- whoosh, and I'm gone...and they'll never see anything like it ever again... and they won't be able to forget me- ever."

he understood his life and death better than anyone.
I'm still one of those who believe Jim may have retreated into solitude rather than go to jail. I think he knew that by his "death" the Doors would become legend and he could finally leave the limelight and the chaos behind. Isn't it odd that Pamela "died" shortly after as well?

What does it matter what would have been? Didn't he give us enough of his soul to leave us contented through generations of listeners? If we must speculate, I agree with the quote above regarding Jim invisioning his life like a comet....

but I love to imagine Jim writing poetry in a small Taos, NM village... at peace finally.
I can see Jim leaving the industry if he had lived and going off to Tibet or something in search of himself. honestly, I don't think he cared about the money as much as the journey.
sadly, i think i agree with john densmore on this one (from "riders on the storm"). jim would have wanted to just sing the blues in sleazy bars. in l.a. he seemed to be "aspiring" to become a skid row derelict. he needed to escape l.a. and his friends to start all over. i think paris was the right move (i believe that france also had a policy of refusing to extradite alleged sex criminals, ie: the whole public exposure thing), and that jim had a monumental struggle ahead of him there to overcome the enticements of fame and notoriety to become a truly serious writer. whether he would have won that battle is anyone's guess. i believe he had it in him. pamela was by most accounts a "crazy hippy chick", but probably didn't have the smarts that yoko has.
The Doors are a time and place in history. They exist in the only beautiful space they could have. If Jim were around no doubt he would still be making music, but where he stands right now is as an immortal in music history...
Beautifully stated....
i love jim and the doors but they had a great run and if they were to have kept going who is to say they would have gotten any better. they could have ended up being washed up musicians ,but jims death set them in stone for eternity. the surviving members of the doors were the luckiest people to have ever lived cause they witnessed that fiery comet first hand . they know things bout jim that they will prolly never tell .
yes it would have been awesome to get a bit more from jim but what he gave us was enough to inspire thoughts and spark every ones imagination.


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